

Dem Anarchotwitterer PunkJohnnyCash höre ich nun schon eine ganze Weile beim Zwitschern zu. Und über die Website gonzotimes.com habe ich auch schon mal was getippselt. Gerade verkündete Johnny lauthals, dass die erste Print-Ausgabe der GONZO TIMES fertig ist! …ich hab' mal durchgeblättert und werde nun acht Ausgaben ausdrucken, um den Briefkästen in unserem Flur mal etwas Horizonterweiterung zu verpassen. 


Der Anarchist hat da mal ’ne Frage!

Weiter geht's, sach' ich ja. Eine weitere äußerst interessante Informationsquelle ist die Website gonzotimes.com. Die hat zum Beispiel diese Subline hier: Politicians Are Decadent And Depraved. So geht das. (Und das schicke Bild oben gab's da auch. Nur damit man weiß, in welcher Mannschaft man spielt.)

Leser haben die auch. Einer heißt Aidan und hat da mal 'ne Frage:

Im an anarchist…

I’ve just recently realized how wrong I was about things though…

I thought that when Obama came into office, real democracy would come into order…
Now i’m not so sure..
I can’t trust politicians, I can’t trust are hypocritical, bull!@#$ laws, and definitely cannot trust the police.

God, are country is one of ignorance… I’m personally, for liberalism, I think right now were STARTING to become a more liberal country….
Its good, but were still !@#$’ed at the moment… I personally don’t follow their laws, I follow mine, it just so happens that many of my rules agree with theirs. Basic one’s, like don’t kill, don’t steal, etc. but some don’t. I disagree with the illegalization of drugs highly, to the point were I would do them just to show my rebellion. Though Addiction would be something I would stay away from as hard as i could….

But I have a question… How exactly would a country with no laws work? It wouldn’t even be a country right? Im a little confused with this, could you shed some light?

Und Punk Johnny Cash von gonzotimes.com hat natürlich auch eine Antwort am Start. Die lest ihr gleich; hier nur mal ein kleiner Auszug:

The one thing I want to leave you with is that Anarchism is not what many paint or perceive it to be. It is not Utopia and it is not Chaos. It is structuring society in a civilized manner free of force and coercion under voluntary means. Never avoid the problems that exist, even if the government has claimed to be the only solution, embrace them and confront those problems head on without the initiation of aggression for that is the way of the state