Chevette lässt Grüßen

olympus-hmd.jpgich meine diese Chevette! Ob Gibson schon im Jahre 2012 mit so nem Teil gerechnet hat? Hier der Text, gefunden auf engadget:

Olympus is planning on taking head-mounted displays out of the "giant nerd" category and into the "scary dystopian future" realm with a new project to develop a completely wireless system that can also double as eyeglasses. While most other HMDs we’ve seen feature a cable snaking across your body to an external power pack, Olympus has expanded on its previous efforts (pictured) and is already prototyping a 3-ounce unit with an internal power source powering two side-mounted 110,000-pixel displays that project email onto the lenses. Olympus is optimistically hoping to bring the tech to market in 2012 — looks like wannabe Terminators are going to be lugging those battery packs around for a while yet

Es geht voran! :) Man kann ja meckern über die moderne Welt, aber so ein Teil ist eindeutig Fortschritt nach meinem Geschmack! 


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