Die zehn transhumanistischsten Wörter

Die zehn transhumanistischsten Wörter überhaupt

(Bild von hier, einfach nur so) 

Jaja, ich weiß ja, ihr wartet schon wieder auf Transhuman-Gefasel, Robotermärchen und Sternekriege. Kommt ja, kommt ja! Ich lebe nur selber derzeit in einem sternenkriegähnlichen Szenario und muss die freie Zeit nur wirklich auch mal darauf verwenden, mir ein Schweinefilet mit Ziegenkäse zu füllen und dazu Rotweinsoße zu machen. #nomnom.

Hier, in aller Kürze, die ten most transhumanist words, ever:

  • Extropian, as in “Transhumanists tend to believe that Kurzweil’s extropian Law of Accelerating Returns will ultimately trump the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics.” 
  • Bemes, as in “By uploading her bemes, the transhumanist was able to create a mindfile to serve as a basis for a future cyber-conscious analog of herself.” The singular form, beme, refers to a digitally-inheritable unit of beingness (such as a single element of one’s mannerisms, personality, recollections, feelings, beliefs, attitudes and values) as in “The transhuman survivalist had a very strong beme for paranoia.” 
  • Singularity, as in “The Singularity — that era, no more than a few decades hence, when transhumanists believe machine intelligence will merge with and surpass biological intelligence.” 
  • Ectogenetic, as in “Many transhumanists look forward to growing replacements for all or part of their body via controlled differentiation of stem cells in an ex vivo ectogenetic process.” 
  • Mindclone, as in “Transhumanists are often accepting of the notion that one identity can simultaneously operate across multiple physical and virtual instantiations, via wireless synchronization, with each such instantiation being a mindclone of a biological original mind.”

Wie? Es sind ja nur fünf? 

Ja logisch; oder sehe ich aus wie ein Fotokopiererarschloch?