Artificial Paradise, Inc is an experimental film anticipating a future where a major corporation has developed an unique software, based on organic virtual reality, which holds all the lost memories of humankind. A user connects to this database of the forgotten…what is he searching for?
Is' klar. Hab' ich schon gesagt das ich neuerdings auf Sirup stehe? So mit Sprudel und so? Voll gut. Echt jetzt.
- Production : Condor & Jean-Paul Frenay
- Director / editor / compositing : Jean-Paul Frenay
- Main 3D artist / compositing : Sandro Paoli
- 3D artists : Sylvain Jorget and Sébastien Desmet
- Additional 3D operators : Otto Heinen and Okke Voerman
- Sound Design : Seal Phüric feat. Neptunian8
- Website:
- Entdeckt: (reading tipp!)